BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





I need help with "BuildShip Trigger & Execute Workflow Nodes" - (Not working)

I am trying to use the BuildShip Trigger & Execute Workflow Nodes to create and update Firestore documents, but they're not responsive for some reason. I keep getting the error message: {...
One quick thing to check... you must ship the workflow you're trying to trigger (the one with the BuildShip Trigger) before you test it out with the Execute Workflow node.
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google sheets not found, database not found

Hi all, I am using the custom functions within AI assistant but for some reasons despite the fact that I am properly authenticated with google it cannot find the google sheets (it did find it once, but it stopped) I have tried all the urls and permissions but it says it can't find the sheet. Same for the Buildship database, I have created a table and when I use get database I enter the collection name but it returns not found. Is the system down or something? thanks a lot for your help.
Hi @Stepan_Molchan, it is working for other user's as well. Did logged out form the OAuth node, right? Could you please try on incognito or clearing cache too? As we tested from different accounts and is working fine.

Extract data from social media

Is there a template to extract data from social media profiles?
@Grant absolutely. This is possible. I've added a template you can test out for just this:

No API endpoint after deploying

Hey guys, I seem to be running into an issue where I'm not getting my API endpoint after shipping, any ideas as to why? Cheers!...
Hi @adamsardo You can click the link icon to get the endpoint.
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Anyone knows what needs to be fixed for this error: { "error": { "type": "INVALID_REQUEST_UNKNOWN",...
Solution: Add ? on every parameter's variable Cause: mssing data in Trigger body request...

Tatum SDK

This question is from, is it possible to install the Tatum SDK. Instead of making API calls

Return redirect

Hello! I’m trying to set up a 302 redirect in a custom node. Has anyone successfully implemented a 302 redirect? Any successful examples? (context: incoming API call > workflow > redirect original request to open pre-filled SMS (or technically any url)). Thanks! 🙂

email trigger

Hi nocoders, currently I'm having an issue with the email trigger; I've been trying to get the attachment but with no success. I already get the json using: ${(x)body.fields[attachment-info]} Do you have any idea how to access to: attachment1 > filename ?...
Hi @Zarcco, extract the data received from the response of the which you require to an empty script node and then edit the node with the AI to with prompt extract the require data from this json, give the above json as example in the prompt as well. For using with the dot notation, you'll be require to add email variable instead from body, as the body you are referencing it from the request not from the Email Trigger request body. Use this expression. Please note you might encounter while adding this expression in editor, we'll are tracking and will add a fix soon....
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Post request validation: "Unsupported type: array"

Hi, I'm trying to validate a post request body, this the the validation: `[ { field: 'title', required: true, type: 'string' }, { field: 'valueA', required: true, type: 'number' },...

Using information derived from assistant in supabase row filter

Is there a repeatable pattern I can use for this? When i use autofill with ai and try to explain what information and what column name to match on it's not working for me. I'd like to be able to do something like this without using the AI autofill (because you only get so many of those and so far they aren't working for me anyways):...

I got no response from system, so after about a minute I wrote "Hello?" got this error

It seems like there should be a queue system to avoid this error... and/or some kind of run abandonment after a certain length of time. in the logs: 400 Can't add messages to thread_HGCofP5gEjBN3YPyQyunApPQ while a run run_mFsQgl4yVf95jQimV5UwQpYC is active. ...

Bulk GPT

Hello community, I have a problem with buildship. If I use the API bulk CPT and only do the most necessary setup, I get the following error when downloading: Failed to download file: status code 302 If I download the file (csv file) with the browser ( everything is OK. What could be the problem? I would be so grateful and thankfull if someone could give me a tip here. Best regards Ingo...
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Prompt flow-chat

Hi!! Please Im trying to make a prompt flow, i guess I could use the AI assistant, but the prompt is kind of looping, even If I configure the thread ID on the next node, Im getting confuse on how to make it go from node to node, like from Claude node to the next Claude node, thank you!!

Streaming assistant showing json in chat widget

I know I must be doing something wrong, however after it not working at all, then setting window.buildShipChatWidget.config.responseIsAStream = true; I can see a response, however it looks like this: {"stream":{"_events":{},"_readableState":{"highWaterMark":16384,"buffer":[],"bufferIndex":0,"length":0,"pipes":[],"awaitDrainWriters":null}},"threadId":"thread_115YhyKghSRjBtnbm5DlNzPn"}...
I've resolved this myself by starting with your streaming assistant template again and moving my nodes from the old one into my library, then adding them to the new version of your template. One irritation is that the content of the nodes is not preserved when adding it to your library, and I couldn't figure out how to copy and then paste inside the assistant nodes list....

template Data Analyst app failed with error

I tried out the Data Analyst app that analyzes GSheet. However, initially the app complained about 👉 400 Thread messages or instructions must contain the word 'json' in some form to use 'response_format' of type 'json_object'. Then I added the "output format in JSON" in the instruction. But it failed with a different error message:...

How do I image upload capabilities on OpenAI assistant API on Buildship?

I followed this documentation to set up openai assistant node It has thread ID and prompt in the body, but how do I add image upload to my assistant?
1. Passing an image_url into the API call body. 2. Creating a conditional to check if the image_url is available. 3. If true, you will use the OpenAI Vision API and pass the response to the Assistant AI node. 4. If false, you will take the prompt and pass it to the OpenAI Assistant node....

Undefined node support

I have a bunch of semi-complex workflows that require that nodes after the branch reference a node within one side of the branch. This works fine if that branch is the one that runs, otherwise I get an undefined node error. Ideally I could simply write something like: ((x)node && (x)node.us_blue) but instead I get an undefined node error. What am I doing wrong?...

Buildship Database shows Firestore data collection but does not exist in Firestore

Also adding anser here, BuildShip database is a hosted and fully managed one and different to your own Firestore that you will see on your console. We will be adding an option for you to bring your own FIrestore in BuildShip table in upcoming releases but for now you can use Rowy....
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Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 4

Hey, I copied template of Story Books App - Combine GPT4 + Stable Diffusion, and followed the youtube tutorial by connecting my openai and SD api keys. However, I keep getting an error: "Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 4" even though my json is correct. Can you please advise on how to fix it?...
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