BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 4

Hey, I copied template of Story Books App - Combine GPT4 + Stable Diffusion, and followed the youtube tutorial by connecting my openai and SD api keys. However, I keep getting an error: "Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 4" even though my json is correct. Can you please advise on how to fix it?...
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i am slightly confused on the javascript when writing for the expression editor, is ctx required for all comparisions when using branches? Also i am trying to get the out of and api call and compare it to a random number. I apologize if this info is somewhere as i could not find direct answers

switch OR operator

Testing buildship for first time. Receiving post request. I want to create a switch with 5 cases, but I want case1 to flow if a value received in the post is "test1" OR "test2". Haven't been able to figure out how to do this. Possbile? Or should I be doing it another way? workflow to buildship

I'm about to jump into a project and I was curious if I could use a workflow JSON to build out a workflow in buildship.

Problem with AI Chat GPT with GSheets Template

I implement project by this video tutorial but got not relevant answers in response body. Answers example: It appears there's an issue accessing the specific pricing information for our Mediterranean sofas at the moment. However, I can provide you with a general understanding of the price range for Azura Home's sofas.\n\nAzura Home's Mediterranean sofas are designed with both luxury and sustainability in mind, using high-quality, eco-friendly materials. Typically, pieces in our collection can range from mid to high end in terms of pricing due to the craftsmanship and materials involved. This usually means prices might start from a mid-range level (think high hundreds or more) to a premium for our most exquisite designs.\n\nOnce the technical issue is resolved, I'd be more than happy to give you precise pricing details. In the meantime, if you have any other questions about our furniture, such as materials, design inspirations, or styles, feel free to ask! I am assuming that the problem is in AI Assistant setting. I create once and left all fields empty....
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Node doesn't work on production, but works when testing

I have built a worklfow using custom (empty) nodes. I tested these nodes individually and they return the expexted results. However, when I run the whole workflow, these nodes return completely different results. The input values are the same (when I test individual node and when I test the whole workflow). Anyone has had a similar experience or know what could be the issue here?...
Hi @Christopher30, this occurs when the values are parsed from different nodes, if you are referencing value as variables from different nodes in your workflow you'll require to ensure the returned type should be the expected by the next node. To debug, you can log values before each node and their type to ensure all values are correct on workflow test - If this still doen't work as expected after debugging with logs, you can submit a support request via app -

Setting up authentication with Buildship + Flutterflow

Hi, I followed the instructions in this video but I am not seeing any logs appear when I try to pull the authentication data. I've posted further information + screenshots in the Flutterflow community ( - can someone please help me? Thank you!...

Missing logs

I am unable to see any logs on my workflows for both test and prod! I was able to see logs before today, but can't anymore! I did rename all my workflows today, not sure if that caused it. Any help would be great 😄

how to save Current timestamp in firebase create document node

Sorry if this is a dumb question but how do you save the current timestamp to a firebase document with a data type as “timestamp” Eg. { “createdAt”: “currentTimestamp”...
Hi @Your Majesty, you just require to use new Date() type of the editor set to Javascript.

Trigger that reacts on new files in a Supabase storage?

I need a trigger that reacts when new file is detected in a Supabase storage bucket. Is it only doable by configuring a webhook on Supabase, or does Buildship have an easier solution for it? Also: at the end of the workflow i need a node that saves the result files to another Supabase storage bucket - any tips how to do that?

Stripe webhook testing - 500 error

I have a working production Stripe webhook trigger. I want to be able to test it as well so I imported it to Sandbox. In Sandbox mode however I am getting '500 - Internal' error. I suspect it is due to the live and not the test key being in the Stripe webhook in Buildship. But then: How do I test Stripe webhook triggers without opening up a new workflow? Any experience? Thank you!...
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Publish suddenly doesn't work!

I am unable to publish my workflows since the last couple of hours. Publish worked fine until last night and I have hit any of my limits yet as well. I get an error message stating Failed to fetch! Any help would be great!
Yes, the fixed is released now. Thanks for confirming.
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Node editor

Hi guys, I am non-technical cofounder of a startup and completely new to BuildShip. I do not have a lot of coding/developing experience and I am trying out BuildShip as a free user first to see if it can help me build an AI test workflow. I have a basic level question. When I try to look at the code for a certain node I am unable to access the Node Editor and get an error message. I appreciate any help on this. thanks....
Thanks for confirming. Have also sent you an email regarding this, we've pushed more enhancements for node editor. Happy Building and Shipping using BuildShip.

Error response from Buildship Workflow even if success

I get an error in the Builship Workflow node, but when I check the specific workflow, I get success, it should return the data. Workflow ID that run the other workflow: 2L8uuxvp9hdAhFmtL71H Workflow ID that is being run: 9VJ9F7ECfsmpCvUhyWYh...
Hi @Francois, from the screenshot, the BuildShip execute workflow node didn't executed successfully, as it shows a syntax error, you can check on the data if it is correct? Also, you can share your workflow via in-app support as well -
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Chat with your database - Assistant V2 - 'V' : 'Output too large'

I'm using the OpenAI assistant node like in the 'chat with your database' template where it queries a menu dataset. In my case the dataset is a restapi call. It kind of works. However, when I feed it too many rows it will just return 'input too large - output too large' in the logs and it will generate a random response for the assistant. I'm testing with 'how many rows are there in my dataset'.. When it is able to work through all data it will say like for example 50 which is correct. But...
For the second question to save the data from REST API request and sue it as feed to Assistant, you can create a workflow like this to achieve the usecase.

streaming AI assistant + flutterflow & Firebase

Has anyone actually been able to implement the chat history in flutterflow?? I know that the chats are saved in Firebase, but how do you implement it in flutterflow?...

API call not working

Hi, Newbie here, I tried making an api call to openfoodfacts but I keep getting this error. It works when I make the api call in the address bar but doesn't seem to work in the buildship environment. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks...
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Gemini Text Generator not working

I have been trying to get. My Gemini text generator node to work but it's not working and my API key is working because I tested it with Python. But every time I test my Gemini text generator node. I get this. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')...
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Ship Template No API

the Ship button, it does not show me the API endpoint when I ship it, why? @Harini #ship...


All of my worflows are not workign anymore and the fetch to buildShip says "workflow not found" I have 50+ workflows