BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





BuildShip compliance

Hi there, I'm trying to see if I can use BuildShip for a client project but the client must remain HIPAA compliant, does BuildShip offer a pricing plan that supports a BAA?

BuildShip Database

I’m currently working with Firestore on my project and have come across Buildship, which I find very interesting. Regarding the Buildship database, I successfully integrated Firestore and can retrieve documents from my Firestore collection nodes without any issues. However, when I switch to the database view and try to create a table with the same name as my Firestore collection, I receive an error message saying, "There is no data in the Firestore collection." Could it be that this feature is o...
@osmanFirat Both BuildShip database and Firestore database are different. BuildShip DB is an inbuilt Firestore database which comes with your project. It is not the one you access with your associated email outside BuildShip. You can refer to this conversation -
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BuildShip DB integrations

I have seen that buildship integrates with several databases, but is there a way to integrate with a SQL server type?
Yes you can connect BuildShip with any database, example: MySQL -

OpenAI Assistant node with Functions

I've been exploring BuildShip using an Assistant that I created that has a Function added to define how the OpenAI Assistant API should behave. When I set this Assistant up in BuildShip, it appears that the Function is ignored. I know that you have to add Instructions to BuildShip but how do you add JSON that is defined separately in a Function?...
@IanFP Yes, as it is mentioned in the node info-tooltip, that modifying the instructions will override the default instructions.

Input too large error (prod) and working in test

I'm running a custom node that is running some JavaScript function that is basically parsing an HTML page and evaluating the variables to render an HTML page for an email. The node works in test environment but in production environment I have input too large error. Is there any difference between prod and test in build ship? Can anyone help? That would be awesome.
@jmvl The response from the logs - input&output is too large and is not an error or issue, we are excluding very large JSON responses in the logs system currently and displaying the above message, it should work correctly if you connect it with your client (frontend) and send the response. We'll update the limit and will improve the UX around this. You'll still be able to use the output in the next nodes.

OpenAI Telegram Group VA

Hey everyone, I'm trying to automate a task tracking process in Telegram through an OpenAI Assistant.
I would love it if someone can help me to enable checking past messages and extracting relevant information from a Telegram group. I have been able to add the bot, have it respond the group chat, connected it to Assistant and made it provide a response. However, without the context from the group I haven't been able to get any results. ...

Scrape all YouTube URLs of a specific channel.

Trying to build a BuildShip API that can capture the following information when given the URL of a YouTube channel. Title, Date Published, Description, Name of Creator, Video Duration, URL, Playlist (if applicable). Has anyone done this before? If you have, could I potentially buy the solution from you?...

400 invalid value storybook

hi, i'm trying to build a storybook with a template, but got the 400 Invalid value for 'content': expected a string, got null. this happens during test at json generator step. also the template is a bit different from the one shown in youtube video, i guess the template is the more recent version, right?
Hi @mia, I've went ahead an updated the template to use the latest version of the JSON Generator node. The only piece of information that you need to send is the prompt. Here's how you can do that.
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Dynamic Scrape

Noob here. Trying to scrape using the template code. Keep getting a error "No element found for selector: #APjFqb"

Help With Calling an API

Hi Guys! I am having trouble connecting to this API the issue i am having is how to do the API signature. If anyone could help me that would be great!
For assistance with creating an API signature for the Unleashed Software API, you should refer to their Authentication Help documentation. If you need further assistance with integrating this API into your BuildShip workflow, please submit your query via the in-app support button....

Sequence of transactions not received

Hi, I'm using FlutterFlow to build a translation app and when I try to send multiple sentences in sequence, I get an error and only see the first one translated and the other not. Is it something to do with Buildship or FlutterFlow? Thanks a lot....
Yea it most like is the ratelimit on free plan, Would it be possible for you to combine the requests on the flutterflow side into a single one? Or try upgrading to the starter plan it should also fix it( if it doesn’t we can refund)

Notion integration for app users

I saw the previous thread about the voice notes template, but I'm wondering - in general - is it possible to allow users to connect their notion account to my app through Buildship? And if so, is it advisable? I don't yet know about the Notion authentication flow/requirements. So I'm really just looking to figure out whether I should be looking elsewhere for this feature or not. Thanks!...
Hi @thedusen Currently, you cannot allow users to connect their own notion account though the notion OAuth nodes, we are working on this. Will be available in near future.


Hi all, trying to build for the first time using buildship. I'm trying to send this json { "activities": [ {...
Hi @Yantso, to access the activities field from your JSON object you can use dot notation in the expression editor. I'm not sure about the specifics of your workflow but this can give you an idea: In the Supabase "Create Row" node you can see how this is done....

Buildship Payment issues!

I need help from someone in support. I've had access to buildship for a while, but no matter what I do, I can't ship anything because you guys still won't process my payment. There's no issues with Stripe or my bank, I checked many times. I need someone to simply go in and CHARGE my account so I can start shipping. I'm already on the Pro plan, but haven't been charged no matter how many times I try to update or whatever. Please help ASAP.:4687pepeangrycry:

Help Edith webhook message parser

Hello BuildShip team! I am working on a WhatsApp bot project, but when I want to extract the type of message received in WhatsApp (text, audio or image), and through a parallel node create the flows for each type of file, however the message parser node , is not extracting this data. I don't have much knowledge of code, but I would like to know if it is possible to do it here, I want to buy a plan, but I would like to know if this can be done before making the investment. Thank you for your resp...

buildship - node not being used all the time

Hello I have an ai assistant that personalises responses based on a user profile saved in supabase. Right now, when someone sends a message, it does not use the supabase node ever to personalise data....
@Joy, Thanks for also sharing via support. I've sent you an email with a followup. Also yeah, as suggested by @Seb95 improving insturction should be helpful here.

Sending Google 0Auth through API call

I am wanting to utilise my users Google 0Auth credentials when doing things like creating calendar events etc. What’s the best practice to do this? Basically my users will be creating calendar events from the app for their own personal calendars so I’m trying to think of how to do this properly....

HTML to PDF bug persists - Pupeteer Error

Hello together, yesterday i brought up and issue with the HTML to PDF node, that the pdf couldnt be loaded. We were able to "fix" that issue tempoarily by creating a new node and let that node return the buffer. We use the buffer for us to safe the pdf in our cloud storage. Today we unfortunatly encounterd the same issue again. We tried different methods and followed best practices like using the create public url node as a download node. When we checked the return from the buffer we found this error ...

Getting data from an API File Upload Trigger.

I am sending a JSON along with a file to my workflow. When I return the body of the request, the entire JSON gets returned. When I attempt to try to return the individual components of the JSON, such as (x)Body.varname, I get a blank result. Im sure its something simple Im missing. Any advice

Simplifying Workflow by Merging Branch Outputs

I have a workflow with node branch that leads to different API POST requests, with the only difference being the body content. After these API calls, the workflow is the same, using the POST request output as input for the subsequent nodes. I want to avoid duplicating the subsequent nodes for each branch. Is there a way to merge the paths back together so that the output from either branch can be used in the same steps without duplication? I'm looking for a way to simplify the workflow after the branching and efficiently use the API response for the next steps....
To achieve this, you can use the Branch node to conditionally execute different API POST requests and then merge the paths back together. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this: 1. Use the Branch Node: Set up your Branch node to evaluate the condition and execute different API POST requests based on the condition. 2. Store API Responses: Store the responses from each API POST request in a variable or a context that can be accessed later. 3. Merge Paths: Use a single node to handle the subsequent steps, utilizing the stored API response from the previous steps....