BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





Mistake in pricing info.

There appears to be a discrepancy on the pricing page for the $79 plan. It lists 70 hours and 250,000 executions, but based on the provided math where 1 execution equals 2 seconds, the calculations yield two different results: 70 hours should correspond to 126,000 executions. For 250,000 executions, the correct duration should be approximately 139 hours. Could you clarify which of these is accurate?...
Hi @Alisher, Thanks for mentioning this. Yes it will be 126,000 execution hours for 70 hours form PRO plan for 2s with execution time. We'll update the page to have the correct figure. Also, as a note under the FAQs section it is mentioned that the number of workflow executions therefore depends on the type of workflow you build and how long it takes for each execution takes to process. The value for one execution won't be equal 2 each time. It is taken for example. The number of executions are variable and the hours are fixed....

Custom DNS?

Is there a good way to assign custom DNS to a specific buildship project or workflow? I've tried setting a CNAME record to point to the workflow endpoint but it's not working right and doesn't seem quite that easy....
Hi @Jake Hasler, To have a custom DNS along with a specific IP you'll require to host the project on your service example GCP, this it available on Expert Plan.

New Logs

Hi guys! Noticed you updated the logs on BuildShip and one thing is bugging me. In the past, I could see in the logs the requests as soon as the workflow started. Now, it seems like we only have logs in the end of the workflow... is that right? Can't we go back to have logs as soon as the first request reaches the workflow? This was a much better debugging experience

Team Member Invite not working need urgent help

Hey, I had a client who has an existing project invite to their project but when I click on the BuildShip email invite it doesn't take me to the client's project and doesn't add me as their team member. It only prompts me to sign in or sign up and when I do sign in it takes me to my own account and I only see my own personal projects. It doesn't show me the client's team or their project. Can you help me fix this ASAP? I have witnessed this issue from two of my clients now.
The issue has been resolved. It seems the problem was because the person who invited me didn't have a paid account before inviting me or something in that line. Maybe you should include some "notice message" there to inform people that their invite won't work unless their project is upgraded to paid.

Something wrong with the crawler node

Hi, I've been trying to add the crawler node to my workflow and test it. Didn't work. So, I thought I might be doing something wrong, and I tried the GPT crawler template and got this error. Any idea what's going on?
Hi @thesankman40 You can delete and add the node again.
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Help Needed with Using Parallel

Apologies if this comes off as a novice question, but I'm having trouble understanding how to use "Parallel". I want to place several "GetQueryParam" nodes under it and then use an "Extract Video Caption" node to retrieve multiple subtitle informations. While I've been able to get subtitles using a sequential method without "Parallel", using "Parallel" results in an error: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'subtitles')', indicating that the URL information isn't being passed to the "...
Hi @takuro(湘南), thank you for also sharing this via in-app support. In the parallel node workflow I observed an issue with the URL, in both of the YouTube URL fields the URL is the same, which could be causing the issue, you'll be required to match it with the value your server in the query parameter node, for the above case, you'll be required to change the URL to url_2 to match it with Lesson2. Also sent you a detailed email....
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Setting Content-Type in return node

Hi, I'm trying to return JSON with the return node. The Content-Type header is text/plain. How do I return application/json as the Content-Type?...
Hi, you need to format the return value as valid JSON.

Is Send Gmail no longer supported?

The node is missing.
Hi @James Currently the Gmail OAuth node is temporarily disabled due to the verification process with the Google in in process. Other available Google OAuth node should be available to use in working state.

Azure Embeddings Issue

Hi there, I need some help. I am trying to send messages from FlutterFlow through an API call to generate embeddings with Azure Embeddings Node. Additionally, I plan to use Azure AI Search for vector search purposes. My request body only contains one parameter named "input" (equivalent to "prompt"). The "prompt" is a JSON variable that captures the user's input, which I aim to convert into embeddings for the vector search in the subsequent node....
Hi @Angel Mayr On taking a look at your workflow shared via support, I found that the type for content of OpenAI embedding node was wrong. It should be of only type string or array depending on the model used, as mentioned by Azure documentation. Also, sent you the fix via email....
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I am trying to build rest APIs FOR MY AI APP

I wanna be able to put a limit based on how many requests the user is making 1. the user signs up, then will get an api key generated 2. everytime the user makes a request it will be tracked and if they do too many requests we will pause ...
Hi @Abed Malak, You can refer to example to implement ratelimit - Also, we'll come up with a template with the AWS uscase soon....
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When sending the '/start' command to tg bot why its not detecting on buildhship while using if/else statement, ive consoled log the return and its exact the same '/start' .. tried to trim the text but didnt work
Hi @SE7EN Console log does not on BuildShip, you'll require to use logging.log or a log node. You can submit your workflow copy via in-app support -


Hi there, need information to know if possible to build complete saas system with buildship. Is there some examples of saas to see ? Thx...
Hi @Proton, Yes, you can refer to this video for overview on building SaaS apps - Some other usecases -

Notion page update

Hello, I am still working on my Notion integration and I am coming across a use case where I need to update a Notion page properties. The endpoint is available in the Notion API but I don't see the node integration in Buildship 🤔 Would it be possible to add it? Thanks!...
Hi @LDMWEB, I've added the oauth node for update notino page, you can refresh the app and add from the explorer.
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Switching workflow deletes wrong workflow

Hey guys, I had a super weird thing happen to me. 1) I selected the workflow 'Untitled Workflow' and deleted it. 2) While it was loading I selected my proper workflow named 'nxtlvl template upload'. Now this happened:...

Just wanting some guidance on MeditationGPT template.

i have tested this workflow multiple times but keep getting an error. Im assuming it is at the Parse JSON step. Any suggestions here? thanks in advance
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uid')

The node works perfectly fine when I run it independently, but when I test the workflow it fails. I have logged all input values, it seems fine. Cant figure this out. Can anyone help?

Text to speech

I'm using the text to speech node, but it outputs a .mp3 file that is 00:00 long. Can somebody help me?
It worked. My balance was 0 on my openai account. Thats why it wasn't working
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Groq (or custom code) on buildship

So I am trying to use a large language model that is really fast. The Groq APIs (with Mixtral) is the best for my use case. Is there a way to install the groq JavaScript package in an empty node? "npm install" doesn't seem to work #Groq #llm #package installation #👍・feature-request...
Hey @thiwa, to import a package, all you need to do is simply include the import statement like:
import Groq from 'groq-sdk';
import Groq from 'groq-sdk';
Also, we have now added a new node for Groq Chat in the Node Library. You'll be able to use the mixtral model with Groq directly by choosing that from the Model dropdown. (To try it out, make sure to refresh your, and then add the Groq Chat node from the library.)...

Duplicated a workflow and now neither can build.

Hi! I made a duplicate of a workflow and updated all the pointers to reference the new variables within an identical workflow but I am getting the following error in both workflows now (haven't changed anything in the workflow that was duplicated): "Failed at managing trigger node. Error: projectEnv is not defined"...
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