BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





Duplicated a workflow and now neither can build.

Hi! I made a duplicate of a workflow and updated all the pointers to reference the new variables within an identical workflow but I am getting the following error in both workflows now (haven't changed anything in the workflow that was duplicated): "Failed at managing trigger node. Error: projectEnv is not defined"...
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Start Using Buildship Product question

Hey, I saw that you launched the AI ​​assistant. I would love to understand what his meaning is for you, how much he is really ready to use, and how much you can really deepen without a code. ...
Hi @ron135245, Thanks for giving a detailed description. Yes it should be possible to implement this using Assistant. You can refer to all the usecase of Assistant here - which do includes on how to connect assistant to any website/app, receive, process and store data in BuildShip storage and use it as knowledge to answer the questions.
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Instagram API integration - possible with Buildship?

I'm not asking for someone to explain how. Just whether it would be possible: I'm trying to build a basic backend that gets data from instagram user accounts. For example comments or posts from specific users. Would this be possible with buildship?...
You can use these endpoints to generate a node leveraging the AI node generator and build the backend flow to perform CRUD on Instagram data.

Is there any way to get current timestamp?

I need to pass some sort of date in an API, i might want to translate the date to another timezone, or just for now get the current date. Is it possible?
Hi @Yogini, you can use the + new Date() to return the current timestamp, it will return in Unix format, you can also convert it to required format as the editor supports JavaScript.

Hi All,

Can I connect BuildShip to a Postgres hosted on AWS and run SQL commands directly to fetch some data? I need to do this directly using a DB cnnection instead of through APIs.

Sending txt file from FlutterFlow to Buildship (newbie here)

My ultimate goal is to send a txt file from FF to BS, and run custom nodes on the content of the txt file (as a string). I created an upload page in FF, first the file is uploaded to local state, then sent via API (Multipart, From Variable (<-- uploaded local file)) to BS. The snackbar says the API call is successful, but cannot really know as it is hard to test the result. I created a very basic BS workflow for testing (one rest api and one return node returning the whole request). (See the result attached) ...
Hey @LuigidaBP, we recently added a new rest api file upload trigger that supports multipart form uploads (files). And we have a template to help you get started with it:
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TTS Websockets

I just noticed the Open AI Streamer node now supports 11 Labs. That's fantastic! What should we use to actually listen to the stream? wss://{voice_id}/stream-input?model_id=eleven_monolingual_v1 ?.. or, our buildship hostname?
Hi @Picture Me This, you can use the Eleven Labs Stream TTS Audio Node and listen the stream audio any media player supporting stream eg: vlc.

return values from a rest api call to openai assistant to get generated image from code interpreter

I need to extract values from return node after openai assistant call that uses code interpreter to generate an image of a chart. It does not seem possible at the moment. Please advise!
HI @Aleks, return node is the ending point of the workflow where the process will hault. You can instead add the node inside the Assistant Node to generate an image chart, you can refer to this example -

Assistant Node failed - URGENT

From today evening assistant node is not working
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Failed to execute workflow

Is there issue on Buildship services, working workflows are failing and API call response is 503?

Getting error for resizing images

```import sharp from 'sharp'; export default async function resizeImage({ imagePath }) { const resizedImagePath = ${process.env.BUCKET_FOLDER_PATH}/${}_resized.png;...

HTML to PDF bigger images

I use the HTML to PDF node, it works fine with images of size 1024x1024. I tested 32 pages (a book can have 60 pages), where each page have an image. But, I generate pdf for printing books with I need images of 4096x4096 to match the lulu's requirements. With that size, it generates the pdf, but when I try to open it, I get 'Error Failed to load PDF document'. Is there a limit on your server for Puppeteer or something?

URL to screenshot

Does anyone know what this premade workflow returns I want to try and pass the image to Gemini to have a look at it but the image URL it gives back is something weird. Cheers....
Hi @H, The screenshot URL template returns a download URl of your image which is stored in you BuildShip storage, to pass it to the Gemini multimodal node, you can pass the path of upload it to the node.

Query Notion database not working

Hello all, I am new to buildship and trying to explore a possible Notion integration. So basically what I am trying to do is query a Notion database using filters to retrieve some specific elements from this database Now it looks like it does connect correctly to the database, but it just ignores completely the filters and returns all the items in the DB. I have tried the exact same filters on Postman and they returns the correct items so I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or if something is broken 🧐 This is the workflow, just the Rest call with the body containing the filters, than passing the filters to the Notion node and return the result. I also attached the workflow file. If anyone have any what's going on please help, I've been stuck on this all day yesterday 😅...
Hey @LDMWEB, for the second issue with the body validation error, you need to remove the filter property and just use the data inside, i.e: ``` { "or": [ "property": "First Name"...

How to check how many execution time I have consumed this month.

I have checked whole panel but can't found this thing.
Hi @anshboi, The Execution hours metrics is under the enhancement phase, to be exposed to the UI. We'll have it probably by the end of this month, for now we assure it won't cut off automatically, as we're managing it on the backend currently.

Converting pdf to base64

I am receiving a pdf in the body as a POST Rest api call and want to convert that pdf to a base64 string so i can save it the way i want in my Supabase db. I tried creating such node with AI but it doenst work. Does anyone has the code or a good prompt to create such node?...
HI @Sleetza, to make this simpler, you can follow this flow: - PDF to Text (there is a pre-existing node for this). - Then create a node using AI or custom logic to convert text to base64 - pass the result to the Supabase Create node....

Multi Link Scraping

Trying to find way of scraping multiple links at once but keep getting error when using a loop and scraper inside. (connect ECONNREFUSED) Cheers H...
Pass the URL as an array from the request body and in the URL pass the item of loop. It will work then.

Website Screenshot

Is there a way of taking a screenshot of a website and returing it as a URL? Cheers H...
Hi @H, Yes, you can use the pre existing nodes for this - Screenshot URL and Generate Public Download URL to pass the path and return a URL -

Loop question

I am very new to interact with Buildship. Hopefully someone can help. 🙂 I have this JSON array with two records. I use this to make a loop. { "Chapters": [...
I fixed it myself. Changed the JSON to: [ { "ChapterTitle": "Chapter 1", "Type": "[Type]",...
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how do i make an API call to a supabase function? I have the variable to pass its just one variable.

how do i make an API call to a supabase function? I have the variable to pass its just one variable. Please provide examples. I am having trouble with the buildship syntax....
Hey, @Russell, You can click the node info tooltip to get the steps on how to create a Supabase RPC function and use it. Here's an example function I used to test the RPC node.
RETURN 'Hello, ' || name || '!';
RETURN 'Hello, ' || name || '!';