BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





how do i make an API call to a supabase function? I have the variable to pass its just one variable.

how do i make an API call to a supabase function? I have the variable to pass its just one variable. Please provide examples. I am having trouble with the buildship syntax....
Hey, @Russell, You can click the node info tooltip to get the steps on how to create a Supabase RPC function and use it. Here's an example function I used to test the RPC node.
RETURN 'Hello, ' || name || '!';
RETURN 'Hello, ' || name || '!';

Is it a bug or do I do something wrong? Try to add parameters to a value field.

Maybe it's very easy, I really don't understand it... See picture. This is the return value:...
In the first string, you'll require to add back ticks instead of single quotes ' '. Lezer is: ${ctx["root"]["request"]["body"].namereader} just like you did in second line. Then it will work.
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Open AI action and Stripe

I was following this video: But I cannot find the link to the action that must be used to integrate the post call to build stip/stripe. Can anyone help?
Hi @Michelle Landon, could you please ensure your trigger method matches with the request method, you make to the API, if it still doesn't work you can submit a support request via in-app support.

Import 'moment-timezone'

Has anyone been able to use 'moment-timezone' in their API? I need to adjust the time that displays to the user with this library.
Hey @hemax99#epic, Yes, you can simply import it and format date in desired format.

best way to set variables?

Both sides of this branch add records to the same table... and I need that record later, after the branches end. None of the nodes seem designed for this. I'm using a buildship database to store it now, but it's clunky and slow. What am I missing? Thanks!...
Hey @thedusen, You can set the Environment Variables and use it across your project. environment variables are a set of user-defined key-value pairs that can be accessed by workflow nodes. While they share similarities with Secrets, environment variables are different in the following ways: - Unlike Secrets, their values can be viewed by users. - They are available at runtime so are quicker to access. - Their ease of access in the runtime makes them less secure than Secrets....
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how to integrate document ai

HI, i am a newbie here. i am now building a project in flutterflow, and i need a function to send a pdf file (base64 string) to google's Document AI it will extract the data and I want to get back the exact data i need. to be more specific, i need to extract data from quotes like, Client details, Product details, Costs etc... i tried doing it by myself in buildship but i can't figure it out. there is a tutorial & template in Rowy so i thought i will do it there and figure it out, but it's not working anymore (the template). in the comments in the youtube video they say that there is a updated video, but the updated video is using buildship and a google vision template. but, 1: i tried it and it did not work for me. 2: Google vision isn't the the right solution for me, because i need it to be very accurate. Google's Document AI is very accurate and is made for this. i can train there on my own documents....
@elli - This is still a WIP, but you can give this workflow a try on your end.

SendGrid setup

Hello! I'm trying to set up SendGrid in BuildShip and in order to create a Secret Key, SendGrid is asking me questions I don't know how to answer - first off, what language i want to use. Thanks in advance!
Hi @NickyDLT, you can choose Nodejs.
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Attempt to integrate google sheets

Getting OAuth Blocked error with no ability to proceed, unlike previously submitted issues This app is blocked This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access....
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Switch case can't get value returned from case

I don't know how to fix this bug ```Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'aea54620-4a8f-4134-afe8-82618f157703')...
For this - since the type returned is object, you can access the value directly without the hash-string using dot notation, eg: (x)swai3.ai3.
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Acces google forbidden

Google refuse authentification for buidship ...How to solve that problem ?
Hi @sylvain, is it for the Google OAuth nodes or Signup with Google Provider on BuildShip app? For OAuth - We are working with the Google team to update and resolve this verification step process, which hopefully will be completed soon. For now, we assure you that it is completely safe to log in with BuidShip Google OAuth, you can click Advanced to continue. Sent you an email. Thanks for connecting via-support....

How to set document reference in Firebase Node

I'm trying to set users reference but its setting as string
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(Buildship) Free tier Plan

Do the free tier execution hours reset every month? (Buildship)
Yes, each resources on all plan resets ever month.

Workflow Versioning

When handling client-based requests (from an app), it could be helpful for me to "version" my workflows, so that when I ship a major update to the client, the endpoint url could be versioned ( That way, if I make breaking changes to the workflow at a later date, I won't break my client requests for those still using the older version.
Hi @swipe, great suggestion 👍 , we can look further on dynamically workflow versioning of deployments endpoints, for now if you are using a RestAPI Call Trigger, you can crate separate workflow and manually set the path.

Re-run a query

When diagnosing a client issue, it would be nice to be able to edit and re-run a query from the log, including all headers. I imagine this feature working such that I could tap an icon in the Log, which would populate the test node window, allowing me to edit and then re-run as a test from within BuildShip

json string error template

Hello , does anyone know where this error is coming from? I am using the base template I feel like I am missing a step here. It is saying Unexpected token Y in JSON at position 4
Hi @BillionaireDucks, you can confirm if the output from the OpenAI node is correct and a valid JSON string, the error Unexpected token Y in JSON at position 4 occurs due to the string or the value you are trying to parse the possible reason for this could be - an empty string, an empty array or an incomplete (a.k.a malformed) JSON data.
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YouTube to article. Any suggestions on how to build this system?...
Hi @MariushO you can do this without implementing LLM. You can play wiith the YouTube to SEO Blog/Article template -

Is it possible to stream responses from Claude like you can with OpenAI?

That's the question. The video about streaming OpenAI doesn't say much except that the node streams. :p
Hi @Bishop Currently its OpenAI's limitation for now while the assistant api is in beta you'll require to stream it on a system supported or locally.

My spreadsheet in Google Sheets does not fill up

Hello community, I am currently building a website in Framer, my client asked me to have a functional form inside, I decided to use BuldShip and after seeing a tutorial I implemented the form and successfully sent the form data to BuildShip, unfortunately I have not found a tutorial Please help me fill that same data into a spreadsheet. I am very new to using this application, I created a node and gave it all the correct fields of my spreadsheet, name, id, number cell, everything, but when I fill out the form the data reaches the buildship but not the spreadsheet. Urgent help!...
Hey @JoacoMaurtua, the new data to be inserted as a row should be in the form of a two dimensional array. Eg: ``` [ ["Cell1", "Cell2"], ["Cell3", "Cell4"]...
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Buildship+Whatsapp = Decision Tree

Hello. Can we create a Decision Tree in whatsapp using BuildShip? Regards...

Scheduled Emails failing to ship

I just started using build-ship and decided to use the scheduled emails template to see how everything works. I've tested my workflow, and I'm getting green lights. Everything seems to be in order, but the workflow fails to ship every time I try. Any advice would be helpful!...
can you try agian now