BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





error message in return raw body text

Solved: I recreated the node and deleted the old one. ---- ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND","url":"file:///usr/src/app/bucket/builtNodes/b53faea1-f7b6-4cba-8b92-5050d0b391fd/1716541145220.cjs"},"label":"prompts","message":"Cannot find module '/usr/src/app/bucket/builtNodes/prompts/1716541145220.cjs' imported from /usr/src/app/runtime/dist/WorkflowExecution_v2/Executors/Script.js ...

Timeout via Postman

Hi Guys! I'm building complex logics where I generate 60-80 calls to OpenAI within one workflow. If I test the workflow vie BS it works fine, even when the completion takes up to 10-15minutes. However when I call the endpoint from let's say a Postman, it dies after 5 min, with t 504 gateway timeout. Although the execution still runs and completes on BS according to the logs.. I have also checked my Postman preferences, and there is no max timeout set for requests (0=never timeout) Is there any...

Global variables & webhooks

We are considering using BuildShip as a backend tool. There are however two important questions: 1. Is there a way to store global variables and trigger an action based on them? 2. Is it possible to listen to create a 'wait for webhook' in buildship? Where the flow would continue based on an incoming webhook result....

I will help you with my idea

Greetings Discord community, I am looking for opportunities to collaborate with my ideas and talents. I can increase your sales with my idea and strategy. I have a huge interest in marketing....

Whisper API - Broken

Hi guys For some reason the whisper API I use to transcribe MP3 files accessible via a URL (yes it's publicly accessible) started malfunctioning in ALL of my previously functioning workflows. It returns a text:null...

Help with building a single long form document with one workflow and multiple nodes providing input

I want to build a client or lead analysis document that provides an automated analysis on a business or prospect providing valuable data in long form analyst doc. This doc is pieced together by different specialist functions or api calls to LLM's that create parts of the document on step at a time which response data is saved somehow for the workflow to retrieve and use as it proceeds along, eventually the final document is pieced together from the different parts created and a final analysis and tweaks is done by a top tier LLM quality assurance agent/assistant. The point is through a multi step workflow run can i gather data and output from different sources during the workflow which is then pieced together at the end (prob via all parts being sent to a long content llm) to create a long form analysis document that is the final output posted as a word document somewhere or saved to google drive or emailed that was based on and created by multiple actions that occurred before and previously saved to DB data or cached by the workflow. Essentially, I just want to know if this is easy and possible to do with buildship and the workflow has a database or storage capacity or large cache, vector and normal ones to save data to (or is that not build in DB is another api call?) and that it can work with large chunks of text being passed around, any roadblocks or problems with this idea, i need to know first before i spend time learning and testing as im on the clock, just need to know if its possible and "easily done" with no potential issues. Thank you so much....

400 The requested model 'gpt-4o' cannot be used with the Assistants API in v1.

I am trying to use the openai assistant node with gpt 4o. I get this error: 400 The requested model 'gpt-4o' cannot be used with the Assistants API in v1. Follow the migration guide to upgrade to v2: Any ideas?...

How to get the right request variable?

Hi there.. I am trying to set up the following: supabase insert trigger and then get a row from another table PSEUDO: WHERE (analyses_)id == ...
I got it.. After trying different things: - renaming the db table from KPIvalues to KPIvalues (though maybe have problems with' ' ) - removing secret, enter hard code API, Keys and token...
No description

Change a Workflow Trigger?

Is there a way to change a Workflow's Trigger node? I started my workflow as a REST API Call and now I'd prefer to have it as a scheduled CRON job. Can I change it? (Note: I have tried creating a new workflow with a CRON trigger and then copy/pasting each node over to the new workflow, but for some reason not all of my nodes will paste to the new workflow - no error shown). Thank you!...

Saving and retreiving variables

Hi all, I have a problem with setting, getting and deleting environment project variables. The code provided in the docs works for setting variables, however getting does not work in prod. I'm talking about project scope since workflow scope does not seem to work as well, as pointed out by another user. This is the code I'm talking about:...

Facebook webhook

Hi there.. I am trying to set up a facebook webhook.. Facebooks webhook is sending the folling data:...
Hey @malte.huener, you can use the WhatsApp Bot verification Bot template in this case, it has a Token verification node, which has the logic implementation of verification using mode, token, and challenge.

Can an assistant gather info and create variables the tools can use? How?

For example, during the chat, I'd like to prompt the assistant to ask for the users email address; then use that address to read a row from a supabase table.
Hey @Tim Stewart, you can refer to the chat with database or GoogleSheets Assistant templates. Also you can find the full documentation on Assistants here - All feedback are welcomed....

How to add authentication on api call trigger

Hi there.. I am making my first steps with Buildship and don't know, how to add an authentication on the API Call trigger. For exmaple: Allow only webhooks to call the trigger when the correct bearer token is send. ...
Hey @malte.huener, you can refer to this documentation - Also, @Your Majesty mentioned right. Yes you can use authorization header to the REST API Call -

Can I manage JWT Token on BuildShip?

Good morning, Being a bit new to no code, I have a stupid question. I'm using BuildShip with Flutterflow....
Hey, @Link, welcome to the BuildShip community, you can use either, Firebase Auth user node or create a custom node with AI for JWT generation. - JWT library -

Integration between

I need to emulate this saas "" for my personal brand. any tutorial? 🙌 the front end I will use will be framer....
You can leverage the AI node generator for creating custom nodes - along with the edit feature, ideally the best is to provide the API code ref, curl, or nodejs along the with required fields and requirements of the node logic. For the example of, - Yes, the flow you mentioned should work, In Tally you can use the webhook and add the REST API Trigger endpoint to trigger form submission automatically....

Anyway to create an account if you do not have google email or github? Thanks

Anyway to create an account if you do not have google email or github? Thanks
Hi @ETC, Currently we only allow support for Google, GitHub and Microsoft Providers. We have considered OAuth signups for a better user authenticity and verification process to avoid spam/fake accounts created via emails directly.

OpenAI Assistant v2 vs gpt-4o

I have changed the gpt model for my assistants and now I got this error message: 400 The requested model 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13' cannot be used with the Assistants API in v1. Follow the migration guide to upgrade to v2:
Hey there @Ravani, if you'd like to use the new 4o model, please replace the assistant node in your workflow with a new copy of the assistant from the node library. The one you're using is probably the older V1 assistant. The one currently in the node library is built to work with the V2 assistant....

Google sheet node error

I have a strange problem for me in a workflow with google sheet nodes. Sometimes when I execute the workflow I do not get this error and works but sometimes I get it and it does not work. Why it is like that? What is the reason sometimes there to be this error and sometimes not? What could cause this?
I think I found the problem: function parseCellReference1({cellReference}) so probably these curly braces made the type to be 'object' rather than string.

Buildship Upload File Error

Hello, just want to ask if anyone here know what to put in the local file path, it seems that i am having trouble regarding this. Thank you!